Past Articles
Hacker Tools: Vim
Hacker Tools: WSL
Hacker Tools: LaTeX
Friday Hacks #230, October 14: The Making of Precursor: AMA and Post-quantum algorithms, or quantum key distribution?
Friday Hacks #229, October 7: How Supabase uses Cloudflare Workers and How to Build an Exchange
Friday Hacks #228, September 16: Cats, Burrito, and Laziness and Modernize Data Layer using Cloud Native Database
Hacker Tools: CLI Data Wrangling
Friday Hacks #227, September 09: Practical Challenges of Data Ingestion at Scale and From Thought to Launch
Hacker Tools: Shell and Scripting
Friday Hacks #226, September 02: AI with Human-in-the-Loop and Engineering for Latency
Hacker Tools: Virtual Machines and Ubuntu Install
Friday Hacks #225, August 26: High Impact Software Engineering in the Real World | On Tech Entrepreneurship
Friday Hacks #224, August 19: The Journey of an Indie OSS Developer
Friday Hacks #223, August 12: Welcome Tea