In the jargon of the computer programmer, a hacker is someone who strives to solve problems in elegant and ingenious ways.
NUS Hackers is a student-run organization committed to the spread of hacker culture and free, open source software. We provide a support system for hackers in NUS who are currently building things, be it for charity, business or pleasure. We also hold workshops, run technical meetups, organize hackathons, and maintain open source code for the NUS community.
What we do
During the semester, our primary events include
- weekly meetups every Friday called Friday Hacks that include one or two technical talks, sometimes followed by a hacking session;
- workshops on Thursdays called Hackerschool/Hackers Toolbox that cover a range of technical topics, and are aimed at introducing technologies not usually taught by schools to those who have no prior knowledge.
Near the start of each calendar year, we also run Hack&Roll, the largest student-run hackathon in Singapore. Hack&Roll is unique for being one of the few hackathons, if not the only, that do not have a set topic for participants; instead, the aim is to simply encourage people to come and have fun building something.
We also run smaller initiatives for the NUS community, like Project Mentor, where seniors mentor freshmen to help them navigate their first year of university; and Project Intern, where students share their internship experiences and advice to help (mostly) Year 2 and Year 3 students. Once in a while we also initiate other events like OpenHack.
Most of our events are recorded if consent is given by the relevant parties. Find our recordings here.
Participants at our events must follow our event code of conduct.
We believe that hacking is necessary for good innovation. (In fact, the best computer-related startups and technologies have all come from hackers.) As an extension to that, we think tinkering is win-win-win: you learn new things, you get to show off, and you become more attractive to employers.
(Though, honestly, most of the time we hack because it’s fun.)
Our long term goal is to build a healthy community of passionate hackers in NUS. We think that this benefits everyone: professors benefit because they are able to source for good programmers; startups and tech companies benefit because they are able to recruit from a central pool; and students benefit because they get to meet and learn from like-minded peers (and get opportunities from professors and tech companies).
NUS Hackers is managed by a coreteam of student volunteers. You can reach us by email. Want to help us in spreading hacker culture? We want you!
Coreteam members
Ravern [President] is a Computer Science undergraduate interested in programming languages and software engineering. He also enjoys reading, climbing and watching movies. Reach out to him at ravern@nushackers.org.
Zhao Wei is a computer science undergraduate who’s still exploring his interests in various aspects of CS and Math. He enjoys reading and bouldering. Reach him at zhaowei@nushackers.org.
Richard is a computer science undergraduate with a keen interest in software engineering and augmented reality. He enjoys exploring design and listening to good movie soundtracks 🎧 Reach him at richard@nushackers.org.
Chun Yu is a computer science undergraduate with an interest in free software, building awesomely useless stuff, tinkering and breaking anything and everything. Feel free to reach out at chunyu@nushackers.org.
Yi Hong is a computer science undergraduate who enjoys C++ as long as it’s not in his transcript. He also loves running (both physically and lines of code). Reach him at yihong@nushackers.org.
Kok Rui is a computer science undergraduate whose specific interests within computing seem to change every year or so. He enjoys watching sports, playing GeoGuessr, and walking around random countries. You can email him at kokrui@nushackers.org.
Jing Wen is a data science undergrad who got lost in SoC once and is currently being held captive. He enjoys reverse-engineering and automating stuff in his life. Send a message to him at sawjingwen@nushackers.org.
Devansh Shah is a computer science undergraduate who is exploring his interests in CS and entrepreneurship. He loves to meet new people, read books and play badminton. Feel free to reach out at devansh@nushackers.org
Li Heng is a CS undergrad interested in building things with new technologies. He can’t function without coffee. Feel free to reach him at tohliheng@nushackers.org.
Aditya is a computer science undergrad with an interest in experimenting with things. He hates coffee. Reach him at aditya@nushackers.org.
Shuwen is a computer science undergraduate who loves to learn new technology stacks that can allow her to turn ideas into real products. She can’t resist pink or white coloured electronic devices and computer accessories. Feel free to reach her at shuwen@nushackers.org.
Yadunand is a computer science undergraduate with an interest in the intersection of hardware and software, keyboards and everything inbetween. Hit him up at yadunand@nushackers.org.
Parth is a jaded CS undergraduate who’s currently interested in operating systems and distributed systems. He also enjoys reading books and cycling, and keeps an eye out for any deliciously interesting or cynical quotes. Say hi to him at parth@nushackers.org.
Jia Hao is a computer science undergraduate who enjoys learning and talking about the many sides of computer science (but mostly software engineering and programming languages) on his blog. Feel free to reach him at woojiahao@nushackers.org.
Yetong is a CS undergrad interested in mobile apps, playing tons of pool and drinking coffee. Ask him anything at tangyetong@nushackers.org.
Hejin is a CS undergraduate who appreciates the sweet and bitter of the cs people life. She loves cool things, cool people, cute furry creatures and acai bowls. Reach her at hejin@nushackers.org.
Shang Yi is a CS undergrad who happens to be an aviation geek. In his free time, he enjoys playing simulation games and flying a virtual plane around a virtual world. Reach out to him at kushangyi@nushackers.org.
Vangmay is a CS undergrad with a passion for AI and Programming Language theory. When not immersed in code, he enjoys reading books, playing chess, sharing insights on his blog or enjoying his 6th cup of chai for the day. vangmayy@nushackers.org.
Benn Tan is a computer science undergraduate who occasionally tries to revive his Youtube Channel. He likes to indulge in poker, search for hidden food gems (i.e supper spots), and most importantly sleep. Don’t ask him how he lost 7k in a get-rich-quick scam. Reach him at benn@nushackers.org.
Jun Yu is a computer science undergraduate who likes to ponder over life’s greatest philosophical questions, like whether we’re all just characters in a cosmic game of Minecraft. He loves exploring new places and enjoys a good run or hike in nature. Reach him at junyu@nushackers.org!
Justin Cheah is a computer science (and BBA) undergraduate who enjoys reading up about philosophy outside of tech, he is particularly interested in epistemology and random thought experiments. Within tech, he is currently exploring the applications of LLMs in software engineering. Reach him at justincheah@nushackers.org!
Kara is a business analytics undergraduate who likes throwing frisbees and throwing exceptions. She enjoys exploring different aspects of computing. She also loves jamming in a band and (of course) late night chats! Reach her at kara@nushackers.org.
Prakamya Singh is a computer science undergrad who enjoys drawing and reading about Dinosaurs. He’s keen on exploring various fields in CS from web development and networks to data science and analytics. Away from the computer, he loves playing cricket and tennis. If you wanna set up a game (or just chat about anything), drop a mail at prak.singh@nushackers.org.
Coline is a computer science undergraduate who’s still figuring out where her passion lies. She enjoys running (away from responsibilities), video editing, and meeting new people. Reach her at colinephitoyo@nushackers.org :D
River is a computer science undergraduate who enjoys breaking things as much as he loves building them. Rather than relying on Google Maps, he prefers the excitement of unexpected detours, courtesy of his charmingly unreliable sense of direction. He might be lost, but you can always reach him at river@nushackers.org.
Hou Man is a computer science undergraduate who loves the thrill of building side projects and discovering new technologies, all while enjoying a good cup of coffee. He enjoys music and watching movies. Reach him at houman@nushackers.org.
Ming Jun is a computer science undergraduate who enjoys building things that look good and do good. When he’s not tinkering with code, he’s probably out exploring new places or trying (his best) to harmonize in a barbershop choir. Feel free to disturb him at mingjun@nushackers.org
Joshua Foo is an information security undergraduate who enjoys catching frisbees as much as he enjoys catching bugs in code. He’s equally passionate about solving puzzles, playing board games, and testing his luck (and strategy) in poker. Reach him at joshuafoo@nushackers.org
Jonathan Loh is a computer science undergraduate who enjoys building things that make people’s lives easier. He spends as much time playing frisbee as he does coding. He’s always down to chat over a cup of coffee, or a game of bridge late into the night. Reach him at jonathan@nushackers.org
ZhengHao is a computer science undergraduate who enjoys brainstorming crazy ideas that can change the world, though most of them might not be too practical. In his free time, you can see him either playing video games or working on his ambitious projects. He also enjoys running and swimming. Reach him at zhenghao@nushackers.org.
Abhijay is a Computer Science Undergraduate who loves to design and conjure up new ideas for projects. He enjoys playing football and badminton, but you might also catch him dabbling in art from time to time. Reach him at abhijay@nushackers.org.
Daren Tan is a computer science undergraduate who’s honestly still figuring things out. When he’s not diving into nerdy rabbit holes, he’s probably diving in the ocean or after frisbees. Feel free to reach him at daren@nushackers.org :)