Friday Hacks #72, August 22

Posted on by Joey

This week’s Friday Hacks is security themed! The Research and Analysis Team from the Singapore Infocomm Technology Security Authority will be here to give us two hands-on talks. See you there!

Date/Time: Friday, August 22 at 7:00pm
Venue: Video Conferencing Room, #02-13, COM1, 13 Computing Drive, NUS

Playing CTF for Fun & Profit

Talk Description:

Nowadays, CTF (Capture the Flag) focuses on vulnerability discoveries, exploit creations and toolkit creations. This talk will give an introduction to CTF and some of the technical details in CTF challenges which might be applicable to students who want a job in IT Security.

Poor Man’s Android Malware Analysis

Talk Description:

This talk introduces the Android Security model and how we, as users, can determine if an application is potentially a malware. For those who are more technically inclined, the talk will also go into how to perform a simple android application analysis using dynamic and static techniques.

Speakers’ Profiles

Jacob Soo - Head of Research and Analysis Team

Jacob’s responsibilities include analyzing malware and carrying out security research. He is also known for his work on Android Reversing, reporting security bugs to companies and playing CTF with some famous teams during his free time. Here, he served as head of software security and was in charge of the malware analysis framework and is responsible for both monitoring the regional malware situation and in-depth analysis of cyber incidents.

Damian Ong - Senior Security Researcher, Research and Analysis Team

Damian is responsible for monitoring the malware threat landscape. He specializes in web security, malware, and threats which target Government systems, including phishing. He is involved in several innovative research projects, ranging from malware databases or honeypots to web crawlers.

Glenn Ng - Senior Security Researcher, Research and Analysis Team

Glenn is a specialist in cyber and advanced persistent threats and defense, penetration testing, malware landscape. He mostly focuses on reverse-engineering and in-depth analysis of contemporary advanced threats. His area of interest includes analysing exploits for Windows systems and embedded platforms.


As there will be hands-on components, do come with the following pre-installed on your laptop:

  1. Firefox with 3 add-ons: “Tamper Data”, “Live HTTP Headers” and “Cookie Manager”
  2. Java Development Kit, Android SDK